It isn’t enough just to say WOW Vancouver is a great place. The Admiral and I traveled to Vancouver for the annual LRC club meetig (Sept. 12 – 17). This was our first true annual meeting and it was great. Three 58-footers and one 65 were on the docks where we spent most of one day visiting from boat to boat. We had guest speakers talk about maintaining our 30-yer young Detroit motors, keys to having the best yacht insurance, and a slide presentation on traveling Victoria Island. The week ended with dinner for everyone at The Lift. Although we probably won’t do the three months to get Belle that far (although she previously spent 4-years there) we will probably go back and rent a trawler in Seattle and travel the San Juan islands. We met lots of great LRC’ers and made new friends. Sure glad we bought an LRC.
Wish we could have made it this year.